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Tipping The Weight Loss Scale in Your Favour.

By Gertrude King
August 2012

Losing weight doesn't have to be difficult. The one benefit of the rising North American obesity rates is that the subject is getting more scientific study. Weight loss used to be an emotionally charged process. Eat less, exercise more guaranteed success. Failure was a lack of will-power.

Recent studies are showing some simple changes that can gradually shift the weight loss balance. These actions are doable whether you are the chronic yo-yo dieter or the morbidly obese putting health at risk with night-time snacking.

Up to 75% of the calories we consume keep us alive by supporting involuntary functions such as heart beats, breathing and digestion. Weight loss benefits when we maximize these actions and boost our metabolism. Using muscles burns more calories than using fat does because the heart (which itself is a muscle) is working off those calories pumping blood through the muscles. So walking is a good start for anyone not doing regular exercise. But gradually adding weight resistance is the extra pay-off that shows quickly on the scale.

Rather than dreading the upcoming winter with its heating costs, get a free warm-up by making your muscles do the work. Bundle up for a brisk walk outside, bring up your heart rate and guaranteed your home will feel toasty when you return. Likewise, drinking water speeds your metabolism by 40% as your body heats the water to your internal temperature.

You can continue to feed those hardworking muscles by including enough protein in your diet. Low-fat protein requires more calories to digest so making good food choices is a better option than merely reducing overall food intake. Initially, high protein diets missed the mark by also being high in fat. The varied uses of vegetable proteins such as soy and legumes, however, has improved so much that entire programs, such as Ideal Protein brand products, are leading participants to great success. Adding Green Tea, cinnamon or hot peppers to your menu can also stimulate your metabolism.

Fats, sugars and simple carbohydrates add taste but they also add stress to your pancreas. Along with obesity rates, Diabetes is also on the rise. Whereas a century ago you might consume one pound of sugar annually, we're now eating 100-200 pounds in a year - not hard to do when four grams of sugar equals one teaspoon. Once your pancreas is not over-producing insulin to cope with the sugar hits, your muscles are forced to get their energy from those fat cells sitting around your waist like an unused bank account. This is another benefit of protein-focused eating.

Along with the right foods, balanced activity and plenty of water, the final change to add is a good night's sleep. Insufficient rest creates hormone imbalances that slow metabolism and increase food hunger. If you can't get seven to eight hours at night, have an afternoon nap. And don't feel guilty about it because it's for a good cause: your good health.

By Gertrude King

Gertrude King is an Aromatherapist and Reflexologist with a private practice in south western Ontario.

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