
Imagine being able to define and identify so much of who we are through the symbolism related to the mathematical placements of the planets in relation to earth.  Another way to look at it is to consider the natal chart a snap shot of the sky at the moment of birth.  That is my favourite way of viewing astrology.  'A picture is worth a thousand words', some one said.  Certainly there can be a lot said about your natal chart in the hands of a professional.

We will still scoff a lot about charts in 1999.  A natal chart is not the same as your daily horoscope in the newspaper or favourite magazine.  Your individualized birth chart is like one on one with your friend or doctor or therapist.  The daily horoscope is like group therapy.  All Leo's for example have the sun in the sign of Leo.  One planet, in one astrological house, in one sign occupying one degree.   But there are twelve houses, and twelve signs and 10 planets.  The combination for each individual is endless around the 360 degrees of the zodiac.  Daily horoscopes place every Leo's sun in the first house and then look at the position of the other planets for the day.  But not all Leo's are the same.  Some have Aquarius rising, and some have Libra rising or the moon in Cancer etc. etc.  Confused already?  You should be.

Years ago, I attended some classes in Tarot Card interpretation. I wanted to share view points with other readers.  One of my classmates was also a student astrologer.  He had been studying astrology for over 10 years, he said, and still claimed to know very little.  At that time I was surprised by his remarks.  In my own experience, I felt that if I could just master the process of erecting a chart, everything following would be easy.  Fourteen years later, I find myself  thinking and making the same comment. 

 The computer has certainly simplified the calculations necessary but there still remains a myriad of details to learn.  Astrology is an art - so practice, practice, practice.  Astrology is a science so learn, learn, learn from both the ancient masters and the remarkably talented and professional astrologers of today.

 Getting my first chart was interesting.  It had too much data and foreign detail for me to figure out.  Luckily I was not put off by this.  I was challenged to learn more so that I could understand those symbols and lines and numbers that make up the chart. 

(For those of you who are interested in a full chart with understandable data and reports, e-mail  outlining your needs.  We are also happy to provide access  information to other sites and astrologers who can provide different and more comprehensive  analysis of your birth chart.)

Astrology is fun, informative and challenging.  The study of our planets in the solar system is astronomy.  The relatedness of the movement of the planets to our life here on earth is astrology.  Astrology came first, providing our ancestors with guides for living.  Their observations and assessments have been handed down through the ages.  What they noted then, is still relevant even in our sophisticated society.  We try to use modern language to relay information but the need to find a mate, solve financial problems or just understand yourself better hasn't changed.

If you have reached this page, you have an interest.  Pursue it!  This path could lead your almost anywhere.  A greater understanding of self, those we love will develop better foundations in relationships and within ourselves. 
Good Luck

You can obtain a 20-30 page analysis of your chart.  See the link below (a link to a printable mail-order form),  E-mail for further information or continue reading about....

Astrology with a difference.....

Are you here because doing something different appeals to you?  Congratulations!  Are you an Aquarian?  Do you have a strong Uranus influence?  If you are not sure then it is time to get a chart done and find out just who you are.

In my quest to conquer astrology, I soon realized that I was fighting losing battle. Like medicine, (there was a time when all Doctors were required to cast charts for patients) which is so vast, astrology offers a chance for those who so desire to specialize.  You can use it, for example to find that lost ring, choose the best person to marry, decide when to marry, analyze job skills, sort out the financial markets, predict events of a personal or public nature, enhance your love of astrology and the list goes on.

Personally, I wanted to try and understand myself better first, then other people.  My focus became the natal chart.  I would use the data to help people get a better understanding of themselves, and where they are coming from, astrologically speaking.

In order to correctly identify the main points, an accurate birth time is necessary.  This is often difficult.  Mother and children just don't share their birth stories.  I am in love with the idea of the birth story.  We all have one.  Just because we  don't remember the event doesn't mean it's invalid or useless.  In my experience, getting clients to find their story leads them on interesting journeys within their own family.  Trying to track it down might be difficult.  Of course, your mother doesn't know.  She was either busy pushing or heavily sedated.  Time was not her focus.  Getting you into the world was.  Ask your Dad, Grandparents, Aunts or your mother's best friend.  They were usually there to provide some kind of support.  Even narrowing it down to within an hour is helpful.  The story is just as important as the time.

My own son was delivered by an emergency cesarian section.  My estimate of his birth time was off by two hours.  I did relate his birth story and  his  impatient, urgent, high pressure entry into the world.  Does he do everything in an impatient, urgent,  high pressure way today?  You bet he does!  I also told him about the efficient, well trained nurse who saved his life.  She recognized that he was in trouble and quickly initiated the call for help.  Quite by chance he was able to meet her and offer his thanks even though we lived thousands of miles apart.
 So what is your birth story.  Adopted?  Some astrologers, could calculate, from your life experiences, and patterns, an accurate birth time.  They would be able to determine quite a lot of information surrounding the circumstances of your birth.  This is called rectifying a chart.  It is time consuming and expensive but worth it.  A psychic may also be able to help.  For those parents fortunate enough to have the information about their own birth,  share the details  with your children as you relate their story to them.

An accurate time allows for a precise analysis of the chart that represents you at a particular time.  Your potential for creating a fulfilling life can be seen in the cyclical and constant movement of the plants today as they interact with each other and the placement of your natal planets.  You may ask why is this page different.  Well, I believe in starting simply.  I have been overwhelmed by too much data in the past.  Initially, identifying your Sun, Moon and Ascendant signs is a priority.  Reading those three signs each morning in the daily horoscope may give you a clearer picture of  possible scenarios for the day.  One sign will resonate with you.  Each represents a significant portion of your life.

Another focus, and source of  powerful information, can be derived from identifying the elements associated with your sun moon and ascendant.  This adds another dimension to your overall character.  For example, an earthy sun in Taurus, Capricorn, or Virgo will be quite different from an airy Sun in Libra, Gemini, or Aquarius.  There are still the elements of water and fire. The potential for mixing and matching elements and signs in your life is fascinating.  Imagine what happens when you mix fire and water together. 

After I learned that computers can put  together a chart in seconds based on the right data, I began to pursue astrology with a passion.  I started out with a book by Stephen Arroyo called Astrology and the four elements.  He combined astrology with psychology (they were once the same).  His analyses made an impact on me.  I've read lots of books since then and studied endlessly.  Like my friend from Tarot class there is still, after eleven years, a lot to learn.

Two other astrologers have made a significant contribution to my learning process.

Dr. Ingrid Naiman ( and Donna Cunningham MSW.  They have combined the things that I like to do in my spare time with some facet of  Astrology. Now, astrology is able to be used in a very practical way in my life.

For those interested in medical astrology, Dr. Naiman has some very interesting and educational information that may surprise you, while proving to be invaluable. You can access her web site at the above address.  She has an array of herbs, books and suggestions for understanding and healing. 

Donna Cunningham provides some very clever resources for healing from a slightly different perspective.  Of particular interest to me was her Astrological (planetary) Rosary (meditation beads).  The beads are strung together representing colours that have been channelled (by Andrew Ramer)  and assigned  to the planets.  Chants aimed at healing through meditation accompany the beading and are repeated at intervals of your choice.  What a great idea!  I have been doing the chants every Sunday for four years. 

For those interested in the astrological meditation beads, you can purchase the book, Astrology and Vibrational Healing, Donna Cunningham MSW, Cassandra Press and create your own beads or you can order a ready made, individualized string and create your own prayers and chants. 

Below is a link to an order form you can print and use to do the following:
  • Order the ready made beads for Astrological meditation with a particular focus on significant planets in your birth chart.
  • Receive a birth chart with a forecast for the coming months and an analysis of your Sun Moon  and Ascendant Elements  (Note: a correct birth time must be given to accurately determine the ascendant degree)

Dr. Ingrid Naiman
Stephen Arroyo Astrology and the Four Elements CRCS
Donna Cunningham MSW Astrology and Vibrational Healing.
Cassandra Press

Thank you for your time spent at this site.

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