Suspect, Love - A Profound Abysm by Judith Andrade

Suspect, Love - A Profound Abysm

Suspect, Love - A Profound Abysm is Judith's second published novel.

Can Love at first sight survive a second glance?

Angus Howard

A lonely and disillusioned doctor finds love, only to be deeply disappointed when he suspects that his lover has used him to advance her career.

Rosanna Amadeo

Rosanna's unexpected weekend of romance, which holds the promise of a bright future, is put on hold when her lover is accused of fraud.

Author's note

I really wanted to write a book about the nursing profession. Health care has been my career for more than forty years and it seemed fitting to write about a subject I knew really well. Although the characters are fictitious, the storylines are drawn from so many experiences as a nurse. The desire to bring the story to book form was motivated by a group of amazing health care professionals whose work ethic brought so much inspiration to my professional and personal life.

The book is dedicated to all those, included my late friend Gyma Dawson, who strive for good character and love the work that they do each and every day. It is also dedicated to my goddaughter Lisa who lived with a weak heart and other life threatening challenges for years, never spoke a word and yet still taught us all how to love each other.

If you find pleasure reading a bit of Shakespeare as it winds its way through a love story for the ages, you will enjoy this book which unites two people of differing values and cultural backgrounds. Suspect, Love relates the story of their fight love when everything seems to lead them away from each other.

Copies may be ordered directly from the Author through Payment may be made through PayPal, cheque, or money order.

The book is also available from,, All copies purchased from the author will be signed.

Suspect, Love by Judith Andrade - Front Cover photo by Bryan Davies Suspect, Love by Judith Andrade - Back Cover photo by Bryan Davies

Front and back cover design by Bryan Davies, Creemore Ontario.

Cover: The Will to Be True: In the Shadow of the Blackbird by Judith D. Andrade

The Will to Be True
In the Shadow of the Blackbird

About the book

An unexpected pregnancy and an unconventional friendship unleash inner and outer turmoil. Set in part in Toronto, Creemore, and Collingwood Ontario, this is a story of relationships, of adversity and ultimately, of those challenges which touch and shape all of us.

By Judith D. Andrade

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About the Author

Judith D. Andrade

Author Judith D. Andrade All the stories I write are a compilation of the numerous events I have heard in a lifetime of interaction with people. As a Nurse working in maternal and newborn care, a Minister involved in a spiritual organization dedicated to a path of openness, and a health and wellness Counselor, I have worked with people from all over the world. I thank them for sharing their stories with me. I am deeply grateful to them for trusting me with their confidences. I hope their struggles and triumphs are heard in the words of my stories.

I have been writing since I was a child, and reading others with equal interest. Story telling is a part of my cultural heritage. In my experience, I see that sharing personal anecdotes is a way of helping people to easily connect with and understand complex human issues.

I have never accepted the status quo. As a wife, mother and grandmother, it is important to me to access information through many venues because I accept that we are all different and our styles of learning and understanding are as multifaceted as the issues. I have lived in different countries long enough to be aware of how culture, values and belief are deeply ingrained and help to form our character. Culture is at the heart of our souls.

Currently, I live in Southern Ontario with my husband Harold. We have two sons David, Paul and four grandsons. My sister, Gertrude King, and I operate a women's health and wellness service in a small community where part of the story originates. I continue to work as a nurse helping new mothers negotiate the ups and downs of early motherhood. My ministry work consists of officiating at weddings, funerals and baptisms or baby naming ceremonies. Each role offers a unique way for me to touch people and to learn from them.

I feel blessed to have found my eternal muse, an energy which has given me the steadfastness to complete what I start, something I have not done consistently. I am moved to write from the heart by the music I listen to every day. This story, in particular was inspired by songs written by Jane Sibbery and ably performed by k.d. lang. 'The Valley' and 'Love is Everything' and of course, 'Please Help Me I'm Falling', made popular by Hank Locklin. The lyrics of 'Please Help Me I’m Falling' challenged me to find a reason why someone could unknowingly be drawn into a situation like that.

My favourite author, Daphne duMaurier wrote a similar type of love story called Frenchman's Creek.

As I move through my autumn years, it is imperative to me that lifelong goals be fulfilled with as much energy as I put into my early career. Maturity allows me the wisdom to be more open and understanding seeing the value in facing life's challenges with courage, not always accepting that the status quo is best.

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Excerpt from Book

The Will to Be True
In the Shadow of the Blackbird

The Will to Be True: In the Shadow of the Blackbird "The seconds ticked by as Stephanie made an effort to think clearly. She really couldn't remember what happened in February and March. She very much needed to speak with Peter. On second thought she wondered what she would tell him anyway. They had been so patient at the beginning, then almost giving up. She just did not think it could be possible.

Thoughts became jumbled in her head. She began to feel nauseated even as excitement coursed through her veins. Weeks, days and numbers all tumbled over and over each other. She counted backwards and forwards, reaching a fairly conclusive end.

Her mouth was one big 'O', but the excitement of the discovery was too much for her nervous system. Beth who was well practiced, soon had the white face of her dinner partner discreetly tucked between two very wobbly knees."

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More about the Book

The Will to Be True
In the Shadow of the Blackbird

Judith D. Andrade at her Book Signing There is a great divide between Classical music and Pop/Rock with many musical genre filling the in between space. Before the Beatles came on the scene back in the 60's, Country Music filled the great divide. It has a way of telling a story in a short yet meaningful way. One of my favourite songs was the Hank Locklin hit, 'Please Help Me I'm Falling'. It arrived my curiosity. I wanted to find a situation in which someone would need to beg for help because they were 'losing the will to be true.' I have always wanted to bring that story to life. Daphne DuMaurier did it in 'Frenchman's Creek' and recently a similar story was retold in 'Bridges of Madison County'. This story is my twist on that theme. Each writer will have their own thought about ending the complexities of this type of challenging relationship. It was important to have my own resolution to a troubling and tortuous, but not uncommon, love story.

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Review of the Book

The Will to Be True
In the Shadow of the Blackbird

The Will to be True: In The Shadow of the Blackbird
Judith D. Andrade
iUniverse (2010)
ISBN 9781450217231
Reviewed by Carol Hoyer, PhD, for Reader Views (05/10)

In today's society we seem to have gotten caught up in power, image and money, forgetting about those we love or care about. The author's characters Stephanie and Peter Atkinson are just like that. Peter is a high-profile businessman who has no personality and shows little emotion for the needs of his wife. He is emotionally unavailable and abusive. She on the other hand is upfront, caring and wants more from her husband. Now that Stephanie is home she is bored and wants to either have a child or go back to work. Peter wants her to "stay home and be the good little wife." Our second couple, Gregory and Beth Richardson, has some of the same roles, except Beth is the one who is cutting, malicious and very negative about life and her marriage. Gregory is kind, fun, attractive and easy going. How did these couples connect and what happens? How can you love someone yet love someone else?

The author has taken everyday problems that many experience and has put them into a thriller with many ups and downs and soul searching. I will have to say that even though this is a book of fiction, the way the author describes her characters - their inner thoughts and complications - it really is a thought-provoking book to read. You can't help but get caught up in the couples and fight for the underdog and hate the villains. Ms. Andrade writes with passion and honesty. "The Will to be True: In The Shadow of the Blackbird" is full of excitement that once you start reading you won't want to put it down.

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The Will to Be True
In the Shadow of the Blackbird

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Attn: Judith D. Andrade
8A Caroline St. W
Creemore ON
L0M 1G0

The Will to Be True
In the Shadow of the Blackbird

By Judith D. Andrade

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