Discover the Path

Discover the path...
A Touchstone for Health and Wellness

Discover your path... then make it new.

What is Life Coaching

In a nutshell, life coaching is a future-focussed practise that supports people to step beyond dissatisfaction & into inspiration, beyond mediocrity into joy. It can focus on the whole of a person's life, or can look specifically at certain aspects of it, such as relationship, work/ career, health, recreation and leisure, money and personal growth.

There are many coaching styles and approaches. To keep things simple, I will focus on co-active coaching, a model of coaching that I have found to be profoundly respectful and powerfully effective. There are a few things that distinguish co-active coaching, one being that the client is held as naturally creative resourceful & whole. Co-active coaches have been described as agents of transformational change.

According to the authors of "Co-active Coaching" "coaching is not about solving problems, although problems will be solved. It is not primarily about improving performance, attaining goals or achieving results, although all of that will certainly happen in an effective coaching relationship. We believe that coaching is chiefly about discovery, awareness, and choice. It is a way of effectively empowering people to find their own answers, encouraging and supporting them on the path as they continue to make important choices."

Coaching is a form of conversation, different than most conversations we have, typically. Respect, openness, compassion, empathy and rigorous commitment to speaking the truth are unspoken rules of effective coaching. Confidentiality, listening, truthfulness, accountability, intuition and strategies for addressing self-limiting beliefs and behaviours all factor into good coaching. Assumptions of strength and capability in clients, not weakness, helplessness and dependency are important elements of coaching conversations as well, as are the beliefs that every situation has possibilities and that people really do have the power of choice in their lives.

Ultimately, a coach's job is to discover and promote their client's mission, purpose and specific agenda.

What Is Spirit-Based Life Coaching? This is a term I have created to encompass the context within which I love to work. It comes from my belief that if we can articulate what our beliefs are about life and why we are here – be they rooted in Christianity, Buddhism, atheism, agnosticism or anything in between – then we can come to see the place that is held for us, personally. And, when we can see and sense that, we are then empowered to step fully into that place, and find that we are indeed called to contribute the things that make good use of our talents and passions and that bring us the most joy.

How Does It Work? Coaching sessions can be held in person as well as over the phone. While single sessions can be helpful for some people, more typically a coaching relationship is effectively established and changes more powerfully and lastingly made when a client commits to a number of sessions over an initial period of time. I recommend an initial 4 month commitment, where sessions occur weekly for the first 2 months, then drop to 3 per month in the third month and twice a month in the fourth month. Thereafter, the coaching relationship may end, the client may choose to continue on-going and regular sessions, or to make use of their coach only occasionally as they feel the need. That said, individual arrangements can also be made according to one's need and budget.

Typically, coaching sessions are 1 hour in length, with the exception being the first 2 sessions of a coaching relationship. These comprise the "Discovery Session" and are 2 hours in length. Sample coaching sessions are available to ensure a good coach-client fit.

I hope this answers questions you may have with regards to this profession. I have felt called to this work through my desire to be a part of creating the world I most want to live in. That vision sees each of us is living a life that truly inspires us, and that calls us to make the contribution to our community and the world that is uniquely ours. Imagine that! A world where people are excited to get up & get on with their lives each & every day!

If you have further questions or would like to book an appointment, Shelley can be reached at 519-925-5469.

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